Located on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, we are a family-owned business deeply connected to the ocean and passionate about preserving our natural environment. Our love for nature and the sea has taken us on many adventures across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, where we witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of plastic pollution. Even on the shores of the most beautiful and remote islands, we encountered trash littering these paradises.

The ubiquity of plastic in our daily lives is alarming. Since the dawn of plastic production six decades ago, an estimated 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced—most of which still exists today. This staggering amount is particularly concerning given the long-lasting nature of plastic, especially considering that much of it is used for single-use items. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of this plastic is ever recycled or repurposed.

Our concern for the future of our planet, and the world we will leave for the next generation, motivated us to take action. We made it our mission to inspire and empower individuals to transition away from disposable lifestyles by reducing single-use plastic consumption. We believe that small, simple changes in daily habits can make a significant impact. To support this change, we are committed to providing sustainable, reusable alternatives to replace disposable plastic items.

Thus, Ecobits Sustainable Solutions was born.

After months of rigorous research and testing, we launched our first product: reusable produce bags. Designed to be used hundreds of times, these bags can replace countless single-use plastic produce bags. Made from recycled materials, our produce bags not only reduce the need for new plastic but also give existing plastic waste, like bottles, a second life.

Our journey is just beginning, and we have many more innovative ideas inspired by our daily lives. Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter—you won’t want to miss what’s coming next!

We value your feedback and would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or comments. Contact us here.

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